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The #1 Continuous Security Validation Platform

Make it simple to know and optimise your customers security posture any time, all the time and empower them to safeguard their business critical assets with just a few clicks.

Why choose Cymulate

Make it simple to know and optimise your customers security posture any time, all the time and empower them to safeguard their business critical assets with just a few clicks.

Simulate End-to-End Attacks

Launch recon, email and web attacks, phishing campaigns, supply chain attacks and ransomware across the full cyber kill-chain. All from a fully customizable open framework with the most comprehensive repository of assessments and executions that meet the needs of both red and blue teams.

Gain Immediate Visibility

Know your current exposure, attackable vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security gaps. Measure and track your security performance with a risk-score based on proven methodologies, including NIST, CVSS V3 and Microsoft DREAD.

Remediate with Actionable Insights

Optimize your security posture with clear guidance provided with each assessment. Prioritize resources, budget and remediation efforts based on end-to-end visibility to exposures and risk.



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