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e92plus awarded Distributor of the Year at the Trend Micro Partner Kick Off

March 2021

by Neil Langridge

In 2021, Trend Micro are out to win with their partners!

Their recent Partner Kick Off helped launch 2021, as their channel leaders provided updates on their new solution launches, insights on how to to maximise your Trend Micro business and a fantastic fireside chat and Q&A with their guest speaker.

The event was finished off with their Partner Awards - and e92plus were delighted to take home two! Firstly, huge congratulations to our fantastic Unsung Hero of the Year, Shireen Caisley! Her tireless work with some of our key partners is central to our commitment to providing an outstanding service. 

We were also delighted that e92plus was awarded Distributor of the Year, so congratulations are in order to our entire team. We're enjoying great success with Trend Micro with continual year-on-year growth, and there are huge opportunities for partners across endpoint, gateway and cloud, from subscription licences to partnering with Trend Micro for managed services. 

For more information on how we can help you grow your cybersecurity business with Trend Micro, contact us at [email protected]