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Trend Micro Capture the Flag - Leveraging XDR for threat hunting
Register 05 Mar 2024 13:00 Location: Online

Join Trend for their upcoming Capture the Flag challenges. Trend Micro´s engineering team will introduce you to advanced tactics and techniques you can leverage to defend customer organizations from sophisticated attacks.

This event wil focus specifically on XDR threat hunting.

Dive deep into the methods used by threat actors to carry out targeted attacks, including spear-phishing, drive-by-downloads, fileless payloads, and more.
Learn how to: 

  • Enhance your understanding of threat hunting & investigation with Trend Vision One.

  • Investigate events by searching telemetry for advanced threats using threat model alerts, observed attack records and MITRE Techniques detections.

  • Understand the entry, spread and depth of attacks for more effective defense.

  • Generate execution profiles and remediation plans.

*By registering for e92social, you agree to our business terms and conditions, including for the information provided above to be shared with any event sponsors.

Register today

Register today for Trend Micro Capture the Flag - Leveraging XDR for threat hunting. Please fill in the form with all details and submit. You will then recieve a confirmation of your registration.